

there’s a RIOT goin’ on.

The Riot is our best handling and performance wave / freestyle sail. All wave sailors out there want that lightweight feel in their hands whilst receiving constant power throughout their turns, and all freestylers want that power instantly to pop into their moves. For 2015 we’ve created an earlier delivery of power that is always there when you need it.

We’ve made a few defined tweaks to its design and included a couple of extra sizes to the line up. We kept the short luff concept for maneuverability and adjusted the design to bring better power delivery, better handling and overall stability. This beautifully balanced feel comes from the improved bionic concave panel layout and the use of light weight materials in the upper body of the sail.

We’re very excited about this sail and urge every wave and freestyle enthusiast out there to get their hands on one.

A newly designed all round wave / freestyle performance sail.
Sizes 3.6m to 5.0m come with 4 battens.
Sizes 5.3m to 5.8m come with 5 battens.
Every Riot sail can fit onto a 400cm mast with the 4.7m and all sizes below coming with a vario top.
Folded back tack patching and silicon batten bumpers protects the stitching from grinding on your board and ground.
Strap-on systems keeps your sail rolled up tight.